Ted Greene's arrangement of "There will never be another you", performed by John March

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This is a transcription of my interpretation/recording of Ted Greene's arrangement of "There will never be another you" and it includes the possibility of acquiring the PDF with tabs, the midi file associated with the transcription and a copy of the original recording and more. The performance and interpretation and recording are from my CD "Chord Alchemy, a student's tribute to Ted Greene." Available here: https://zenguitarguy.bandcamp.com/album/chord-alchemy-a-students-tribute-to-ted-greene-solo-jazz-guitar

The intention of these transcriptions, are to provide students of Ted's works, who are interested in incorporating improvisation into their interpretations of his arrangements, a guide and an opportunity to look at different ways of doing that. My intention here is just to show some of the ideas that I learned and explored while studying with Ted for over 25 years.

Liner notes from Barbara Franklin, Ted's partner and author of My Life with The Chord Chemist: A Memoir of Ted Greene, Apotheosis of Solo Guitar:

“This project is the culmination of a long and arduous mission, the result of a student’s reverence and dedication to his beloved teacher and mentor, Ted Greene.

John March has accomplished the goals he set out for himself by paying a musical tribute to Ted and his works, for the many gifts of learning about music, life, and in fact himself, that were bestowed upon him during the many years Ted graced his life.

Ted’s influence and spirit are subtly reflected throughout John’s interpretations of the beautiful pieces of music he chose to share with others.

Within each piece of music, the process of John’s growth as a musician and a person is evident. John overcame the most challenging obstacles to attain, what I feel, is a true expression of Ted’s spirit in capturing and immortalizing the inherent beauty and delicate nuance in Ted’s wonderful solo guitar arrangements of standards, as well as displaying some unique qualities, born from John’s history of playing the music of the blues.

Finally, and most honorable, are John’s intentions for creating this project. I know in my heart that Ted would be so proud of him. May it go forth into the world and work its magic with my blessings.”
- Barbara Franklin

Link to original written arrangement:

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A PDF of the transcription in standard notation and the option for Tabs and MIDI versions

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Ted Greene's arrangement of "There will never be another you", performed by John March

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